GAI Energy Blog
What’s Your Carbon Footprint
As a renewable energy company, GAI often looks for ways to decrease its carbon footprint. For 2025, our goal is to become more aware of
Holiday Giving With A Green Mindset
My holiday gift contemplation and shopping are underway for this season and I’m sure yours is too! Each year, I ask myself what I can
Should You Have Insurance for Your PV Solar System?
One of the questions we hear from potential PV solar customers is: “Should we insure a system if we decide to move forward with an
Keeping Warm While Using Less Energy
When the temperatures dip, it can be a challenge to keep your house warm. But bumping up the thermostat will also bump up your energy
Backup Power for Storm Emergencies
The news has been full of stories focused on the recent devastation left in the path of Hurricane Helene. The hurricane damage is heartbreaking to
Qualify Your Contractors
I recently had a contractor do some work updating my kitchen. He did nice work and I was pleased with most of the project. However,
Beware Solar Salespeople Hiding Behind Technical Websites
People are hungry for information. And when they want answers, they do web searches. Sales people know this, and a common approach to sales is
Solar: A Shield Against Rising Utility Rates
In an era where concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability are at the forefront, the conversation around energy sources and consumption has never been
Moving the Grid from Coal to Renewables
An article came across one of my news feeds recently announcing the closure of the final two coal-powered utility plants in the New England area.
Making Solar Multipurpose on the Farm
Solar installations are popping up across the rural landscape of America. Many of these installations are utility scale installations being utilized to support the electrical
Prioritize Energy Efficiency Before Solar
In today’s world, many companies are starting to put mandates in place to reduce carbon emissions and footprints. Solar can be a great step in
Why Consider a Microgrid?
In today’s world we are constantly hearing about utility grid failures due to improper maintenance, lagging upgrades, acts of terrorism, and extreme weather complications. Our
Array Mounting Styles for Business & Agriculture
In the dynamic world of solar energy, businesses and agricultural enterprises are increasingly exploring efficient ways to harness the power of the sun. The market
Becoming More Efficient as a Business
Efficiency and solar energy should always go hand in hand for businesses. Becoming more efficient as a business and reducing consumption before adopting solar solutions
Steps To Solar Ownership
There are multiple paths to solar ownership that you can take. You can go the DIY route, but you’ll likely spend more time learning how
Keeping the Lights on in a Blackout
By Wayne Stanley Darker days could be ahead this summer. Indiana’s power grid is in the “high risk” category for energy emergencies and rolling blackouts
When and How to Care For Your Solar Energy Systems
By Wayne Stanley Congrats! You’ve made the awesome decision to go solar! You’ve carefully chosen a proven solar partner [CREATE LINK], your panels are installed by
3 Benefits of Going Solar That You Should Embrace This Year
By Dave Conway With just a few weeks into the new year, resolutions are hot on our minds, and if you’re still looking for a
Solar ‘New King’ in Renewable Energy
By Dave Conway Here’s an eye-catcher of a quote: “Solar projects now offer some of the lowest-cost electricity ever seen.” The finding can be found in
Want advice on how to land a job in solar?
By Dave Conway Here’s a great anecdote that isn’t strictly solar-related. It’s about people, and in particular the kind of people we look for on
A Major Renewable Energy Trend Has Arrived in Indiana – Large-Scale Battery Storage
By Dave Conway When the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, renewable energy systems often produce power above what’s needed for immediate use.